Anyways, turkey day has been and I hope all of you out there who celebrated it had a good time! But I figured I would have to take the happy turkeys off the blog now. So instead a new seasonal game and a happy wacky santa at the top.
Also, while I was looking for funky pics I came across this site. When I was a small kid I used to love everything that had to do with coloring and artsy stuff and I wish that these sort of sites had been available to me back then. I swear my colouring books were full faster than my mom could find me a new different one.
Anyways, if any of you do feel the urge to take up your pens and go colouring (or get your kids to color them) I promise I will feature them here on the blog. Just leave me a comment and we'll get in touch on how to get the colouring to me.
For now....back to the mage!