Thursday, September 3, 2009

Faction Change Available

Apparently the faction change feature that people have spoken about so often is already available in the US. So if I would want to change in my nightelf for an undead lady I could. Does make me wonder how many people would actually want to use it, and how you go about chosing your counterpart on the other side.

I guess horde has never seen this many belfs before? I'll get back to it in a post later on the day, will have to spend some time thing about it.

Things to check out in the meantime:
In other news, some of the 5man ToC nonsensical stuff is going to be adressed in 3.2.2, woot!


  1. Hmm I checked for this other day, I don't think it is available.

  2. Unfortunately I can't link it, but it is available. You can find it under account management. That is for the USA accounts. I haven't checked the EU accounts so I'm not sure on those.

    Recent blog:=- Faction Change Available

  3. I went home for lunch checked it out. Your right it is available. for 30 dollars OUCH!
