So with the 'update all addons' button now costing 5$ per month, I figured it was a good time to clean out the addon folder and leave as few installed as possible, since the less there , the easier the updating process.

Let see what I have installed before cleanup:
- Ackis Recipe List
- Align
- Atlasloot
- Auctionator
- Bagnon
- ButtonFacade
- Carbonite Quest
- Cartographer
- Chinchilla
- Classtimer
- Clique
- Curse Profiler
- Dominos
- DrDamage
- Elkano's BuffBars
- Gatherer
- Ghost: Mount
- Grid
- Higherlearning
- InspectEquip
- Itemrack
- Minimalist
- MinimapButtonBag
- Monkeyquest
- nUI
- Omen3
- OPie
- Ratingbuster
- Recount
- Swatter
- TomTom
- Deadly Boss Mods
- Ackis Recipe List
An addon that lets you track which recipes you have and are missing. When I installed it I figured it might be handy, in the end I ended doing nothing with it. - Align
This addon shows a grid on your screen so that you can neatly put your bars at the exact right spot. Everybody speaks highly about it, I never used it. I just configured my bars by eye, worked fine for me. - Button Facade
I had a whole pile of different once, so I figured I would get rid of the ones I'm not using since they all are considered a separate addon if you have to update them. I Adorn: Dark Round. - Carbonite Quest
This mod is handy while doing the quests for the first time. I have 3 80s, I think I know where to find the quests now. Besides this, they can say that they're compatible with the current WoW version, for me it's buggy as hell - Cartographer
The Blizzard UI has gotten better and better, and so have their maps. Since I have all my maps filled in, I had switched this one off a while ago already. So to the bin it goes. I can advise this mod if you don't have all of the maps filled in yet to use this mod though! - Chinchilla
This mod allows you to change the position and appearance of your minimap. I love it, but since quest tracking has changed (and apparently has been attached to the minimap) this mod has been buggy. I kept getting messages that I could not track this or that, not even achievements, so for the moment, bye bye Chinchilla. - HigherLearning
Addon that allows you to track the timers of the books in Dalaran. I installed it since I thought it would be handy, but never used it. Should really go back to working on that achievement, but hey I'll join the bookwatch channel.
As a preview a quick screenshot.

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