Monday, May 18, 2009

Where am I?

So while I have my post planned out for tomorrow, today I wasn't in the mood at all for something serious. So I was riding around a bit without my UI showing, just enjoying the WoW scenery while thinking what I wanted to write about.

When I saw this great image for a screenshot. So I started looking around for random places that would be cool screenshots.

One of my favorites

And then I suddenly knew what the post would be today! So I took a portal, took a gryphon, did a bit of running, and voila. I had a screenshot that was perfect for what I wanted to do today.

Where am I?

The second screenshot you see me from above somewhere in the world of warcraft. I wonder if you can guess where it was taken. And you know what, I'll throw in an extra cookie for the person who can give me the exact coordinates!


  1. isn't that 42,21 Bloodmyst Isle? can also be one of the turtles in Darkshore.. the possibilities are too many for me to think of..

    also my account is frozen, so I can't check :)

    checked Wowhead, not the one I thought.

  2. Mogresh of MoonguardMay 18, 2009 at 11:51 PM

    Looks like Darkshore to me. Probably the first turtle north of Auberdine.

  3. Turtle and water. Is it the zone off the Dranei starting area? Hmm drawing a blank at the zone name though. Murlocks running around the area too?

  4. Ah, I can leave a little's in Eastern Kingdoms :)

  5. Eastern Kingdoms? Like everyone else I was figuring Darkshore.
    Hmm maybe somewhere on the eastern coast of STV, or Swamp of Sorrows coastline would be my guess. *DONT_KNOW*

  6. It's in the swamp of sorrows! :-P

  7. it does'nt look like the hinterlands.. the colouring and such.. but I'm gonna go with hinterlands anyway.

  8. Nope and nope. Guess I made it harder than I thought. I'll make sure to post a screenshot of this location from a different angle next week, as well as a new where am I :)

    (Of course by the time I start revealing too much the cookies are out of the deal! numnumnum!)

  9. I'm pretty sure I know where you are, but it's not necessarily fair how I know, so I won't reply :)

  10. PM me, I might give out a cookie!
